Today I opened up a precious piece of mail. Pictures of the little guy we sponsor in Guatemala. I reviewed his birthday remembering he was born in 2000 and I felt like he was one of MY kids. "He would be between Audrey and Lily," I thought. It's a small thing. Actually, it should be a bigger thing. We should pray more, write more. It's not a guilt thing. I love this boy, we are committed to him. But our rush of busy-ness too often impairs our outpouring of that love.
Then I read Ann Voskamp's blog who just happens to be in Guatemala right now visiting with Compassion. And she writes about this...piercing my soul with her words:
"How our lives full of cluttered ease, muffle out the songs. That when we go to the places that strip life back to its barest essence -- of courage and love and raw, unmasked pain -- our hearts feel again, beat again, hear again the haunting music of a beautiful, bleeding humanity.
Maybe it's this: God hides with the poor and in the pain and we can only witness Him at His most beautifully creative work in the places needing redemption.
Maybe we are only at our most beautiful work in the same places too --- the places where we don't hide behind the distractions of stuff, where we finally empty our hands of all our possessions and idols and come to God empty and ready. The places where we can make art with tears.
Where the notes can finally soar in the space.
No one tells you that wealth numbs you to life and consumerism callouses your soul to the sacred.
Or maybe Someone did: “"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:25 NIV)
(For her full post go to: