Saturday, October 10, 2009

43-ish Gifts and Counting...

Cool weather, planting flowers, fall colors, open windows and doors, a break from school, time with family and friends, cloudy days, happy dogs and fresh produce....these are among the things I am treasuring today. But for the whole week I have been treasuring in my heart the lessons and lives of Abraham and Sarah. I've been reading Genesis and savoring it, trying to fathom the MANY years before Abraham saw some proof of God's promise, being strengthened by their faith, encouraged by God's direct communication with them and validated by their humanity in it all. "Wow" is all I can say. Wow.


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

I read your list and feel it inside of me, joy in all these everyday graces.
Thank you.
For seeing...
And reading truth and finding the deepest joy in Him.

Yes, me too... all I can say is WOW.
Thank you, Ginger.

All's grace,

Ginger said...

I found you from the link Ann had over at Holy Experience. I was blessed reading through your posts and pictures. May God bless you with abundant, overflowing joy as you continue to be grateful.
ps - I love your name by the way. ;)


Sarah said...

open windows and doors, the freshness of our Lord.

And delighted to meet you today and share in the multitude of God's Grace.

Joyfully His,
Sarah Dawn

Michelle said...

Just came by to say hello and thank you for posting your Gratitude list.

I'm always struck with the same thing, concerning Abraham and Sarah. All those evidence...and yet, He was...He IS faithful:)

BTW, your name is just so perfect for you! You just look like Ginger:)
