Saturday, November 7, 2009


For several days now I have felt the heaviness of the human condition, of the dangerous road so many of us walk apart from God, of our need for a severe mercy. What will become of us who refuse God's love? What of those who reject God's plans? In this confused and twisted world I find I am desperate for God and the only relief I find is in Him. And I am continually amazed that His response to me is GRACE. Despite all my darknesses, all my depravity, all my weaknesses, He doesn't turn away in disgust. He turns toward me through Christ, with a full-on gaze of love, acceptance, forgiveness and grace. This seems too good to be true. But this, this is the God I love! The One who is better than my reality, whose love is better than all I can dream up, whose plans are greater than my imagination and whose heart is bigger, grander and more beautiful than I can fathom. It's not that it's too good to be true, it's that the Truth IS Love, Perfect Love. I am so deeply grateful for the grace of God.

1 comment:

Turquoise Gates said...

Ginger, you don't really know me - but I wanted to stop in and thank you for this. I needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being the voice of encouragement I desperately needed on this bleak morning.
