Friday, July 29, 2011

An Easter Gift

I have a ridiculous amount of things to catch you up on. Yes, Easter is where I'll start. For over a year our youngest had been asking again and again to be baptized. Then around February she decided she wanted to be baptized on Easter. She is very decisive and determined, can you tell? I think because she is young, we wanted to make sure she was ready. Looking back I wonder if we were negligent in making her wait so long... Either way, she had committed her life to Jesus a couple of times, at ages 4 and 7, I think. But now she felt a need to DO what He said. Excellent. In her own words when asked why she wanted to be baptized, "Because I want to be a better follower of Jesus." Enough said.

Lily checking out the baptismal to calm her nerves. She knew this was a big deal.

Her Daddy had the privilege of baptizing her, while Pastor John guided the process.

A cake, made by my hubby, to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection.

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